On Saturday evening, Bollywood beauties came together to celebrate 25 years of fashion designer Sabyasachi – who has given them some of their iconic outfits during their career. While it was a starry affair, Alia Bhatt too was a part of the evening and decided to glam up in an elegant black saree, as per the theme of the event. While fans were excited to see her style as she sashayed the red carpet for the paparazzi, some interesting videos and photos surfaced where the actress is seen being her candid self.
Alia Bhatt reunites with Zoya Akhtar
Zoya Akhtar, who gave Alia Bhatt the role of Safeena in Gully Boy, which went on to become quite popular, was visibly thrilled to meet the actress. As they met at the gate of the event, paparazzi captured them exchanging warm greetings and having a brief conversation as they were both waiting for their respective cars.
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Ananya Panday reposts pic with Alia
Meanwhile, Ananya Panday reposted a frame-worthy moment she shared with Alia Bhatt from the celebrations. The photo was originally shared by designer Anaita Shroff Adajania, wife of filmmaker Homi Adajania, with the caption, “Met these beauties in Calcutta last night… <3”.
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What Alia and Ananya wore for the event?
By now, readers would be aware that the actors all arrived in the theme of black as they presented their best fashion foot forward. Alia Bhatt looked as elegant and graceful as ever in Murshidabad silk saree. The actress added glam to her traditional look with a golden jewelled blouse with extensive work and deep neckline, long golden danglers. The minimalist makeup and small black bindi with a bun accentuated her beauty in the saree.
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Meanwhile, Ananya Panday opted for a more western look. The actress added oomph with retro style fashion in a polka dot black sheer dress with long inner, puffy sleeves, and a knot on the neck. She paired it with black tights and matching pumps, half-tied hairstyle from the 70s era, and a Chanel bag.
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Also Read: From Alia Bhatt to Richa Chadha: Actresses who are making waves with their own fashion labels
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