After the Khan family requested privacy, they have maintained silence on the actor’s condition, although much to the relief of fans, the doctors and official statements have assured about the improving condition of Saif Ali Khan. However, now with the situation getting better, the actor’s sister and Bollywood star Soha Ali Khan has opened up about Khan’s health to the media wherein she has reasserted about the improving health of Saif and his recovery.
What Soha Ali Khan said on Saif Ali Khan’s health?
After Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a statement on social media on January 17, no other member of the Khan family have revealed any updates on the incident. However, recently, Soha addressed the subject at an event while interacting with the media wherein she also expressed gratitude towards all the prayers and well-wishes that came their way. "We are happy that he is recovering well and we are very thankful and we feel very blessed and grateful that it wasn't any worse. Thank you for all your wishes”, she said.
About the attack on Saif Ali Khan
On January 16, during the wee hours between 2 and 2:30 AM, an alleged robbery turned violent when an intruder attacked Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Mumbai. The latter sustained as many six stab wounds including one severe injury on the spine, after which he was immediately admitted to the Lilavati Hospital, nearby in Bandra. After his multiple surgeries, the doctors from the hospital issued an official statement assuring his recovery.
The investigation on the case
On January 19, after a thorough investigation the police has detained a suspect named Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad who is expected to be a Bangladeshi resident who has been sent for a five-day custody in relation to the case. Meanwhile, the latter has been adamantly asserting that he is innocent in the case.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan attacker sent to 5-days police custody, claims he’s being framed
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