Rohit Saraf is the latest among the list of celebrities to test positive for COVID-19. The actor who shot to fame after Dear Zindagi, The Sky Is Pink and then went on to become a national crush with Anurag Basu’s Ludo and Netflix’s Mismatched, is currently isolating himself.
Rohit Saraf shared a note on his Instagram and wrote, “Tested +. Wear the mask at all times. Maintain Social Distancing. Wash Hands Often. Sanitise Regularly. Stay at Home Unless Shooting. Despite the precautions, I have tested Covid Positive. The Virus is right here, let us not forget! Lets NOT slack even for a moment, please. I've been in isolation for the past four days with all the possible symptoms and that's why, I request all of you to please not take this lightly. Take care & Stay Safe.”
Besides Rohit Saraf, producer Ramesh Taurani has also tested positive and has isolated himself at home.
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