Rani Mukerji delivered one of her career-best performances in the global blockbuster Hichki. The film went on to make over Rs. 250 crores across markets and Rani raked in several top awards for her heartfelt performance as a teacher suffering from Tourette’s Syndrome. On the third anniversary of Hichki, Rani reveals how she used her father’s walking stick in a critical scene of the film to cope with the loss of her father’s death.
Rani says, “I lost my dad around the same time I was filming for Hichki and since my parents have been an integral part of my career and always see my films first, this was the first film my dad was not going to be there to see my performance.”
She adds, “So, in the last scene of the film where I am seen retiring as the principal of St. Notker’s School I used my father’s walking stick, which was very special for me and yet it was heart breaking. It was my way of having my father with me in the film, so for me that scene will always be extremely memorable.”
Also Read: Rani Mukerji reveals why she fell in love with husband Aditya Chopra
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