Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are making using of this lockdown to spend time with each other and their son Taimur. While Kareena Kapoor Khan often updates on what Taimur is up to during the lockdown, Karisma Kapoor recently gave a glimpse at how Taimur and her son Kiaan spend time together.
On Saturday, Karisma took to her Instagram handle to share an adorable picture of little Taimur intently looking at his cousin Kiaan, who is attending his taekwondo class. Sharing the screenshot from their video call, Karisma wrote, "Brothers in lockdown. Tim watching Kiaan during his taekwondo class. New normal."
Meanwhile, a few days ago, Kareena Kapoor Khan had shared a picture of a piece of half-eaten cake which was baked by her sister Karisma Kapoor. Sharing the picture, Kareena wrote "Devouring the best chocolate cake in the world made by the best sister in the world @therealkarismakapoor... ❤️And yes, that’s Mr. Khan being grumpy at the back... zoom in." Responding to the post, Karisma commented, "Alternate profession maybe."
ALSO READ: Karisma Kapoor chills in the balcony post workout, goes ‘say squeeze’
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