Filmmaker Karan Johar has been sharing some of the funniest videos of his twins Yash Johar and Roohi Johar amid nationwide lockdown. The toddlers are keeping his followers entertained with their innocence and hilarious reactions to their father.
On Thursday, Karan shared yet another video of #lockdownwiththejohars on Instagram featuring Yash and Roohi. In the video, the twins have ditched their beds and can be seen sleeping in their toys’ cabinets. Sharing the video on Instagram, he wrote, “Literally Locked in!!! #lockdownwiththejohars."
Earlier this week, Karan Johar confirmed that his staff members had tested positive of COVID-19. While they all took the swab test, their reports came out negative. They are in self-quarantine and taking precautionary measures.
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