Shraddha Kapoor has been spending time in quarantine with her family. Amid the self-isolation, the actress shared a quick throwback video from the rehearsals of the song 'Fikar Not' from the sets of Chhichhore on World Health Day.
On the occasion of #WorldHealthDay, Shraddha also spills one of her secrets to being fit on her social media saying, "So my most favourite way of staying healthy is dancing! Ever since I was a little girl, I just loved to dance! No matter the amount of mistakes (as you will see in this video♀) or the difficulty in steps, dancing makes me so happyyy #WorldHealthDay. P.S: Fortunate to have learned from such incredible dancers & choreographers. Thank you guys again & again #Chhichhore ."
On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor will be seen next in a Luv Ranjan directorial alongside Ranbir Kapoor and is currently basking in the success of Baaghi 3.
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