Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are spending time in self-quarantine amid nationwide lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The couple has been doing household chores, Deepika has been enjoying cooking and baking and now we have an illustration that perfectly depicts their home life.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone shared a Mickey and Minnie mouse illustration of them. He captioned the post, “Dil ka raasta pet se hoke jaata hai.” The picture shows Deepika brandishing a salt shaker whereas Ranveer is seen holding a ladle with his tummy seems to have grown a lot since the lockdown.
Deepika has tried her hands in different types of cuisines including Thai and Italian. The actress even baked a cake for Ranveer recently.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh recently came together to pledge their support to PM-CARES Fund and made donation in order to fight against the virus.
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